With the closure of my favorite restaurants during the shut-down, I was inspired to cook even more than usual. Cooking is one of my favorite pastimes, especially Asian & Mexican inspired foods.
Take a look at what the staff members of
Francisco Aliotta
Due to the pandemic my supplies have been limited. Being resourceful, I’ve found some old pieces of canvas and other materials that I’ve been making much use of.
Tom Zoufaly
During the quarantine, I have been spending my time with my family at the Daylight. This has given me the opportunity to work on a family project for my grandchildren.
Justin Russo
As a diary and exercise in documenting my quarantine experience, I have been making daily COVIDOODLES reflecting the ongoing epidemic, cultural shifts, and as a way to honor all those involved in fighting for this cause.
Emir Tabakovic
My name is Emir Tabakovic, I am an artist and graduated from Pratt Institute in 2016. In my practice I focus on painting, and through my work I explore the idea of the abandoned.