Face Coverings/Hand Coverings
- Either disposable or re-useable (cloth) for face & disposable gloves.
- For those employees working in an office, a mask & gloves are required when walking through the building, leaving their desk or office, or visiting public spaces. They do not have to wear a mask or gloves at their desk or if they are in an isolated area with a minimum of 6 feet between them and others.
- Face coverings to be provided by AID.
- Cloth face coverings should—fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face.
- be secured with ties or ear loops.
- include multiple layers of fabric.
- allow for breathing without restriction.
- be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape.
- Business appropriate – no printed materials and/or sayings that would be offensive (i.e. skulls, foul language, graphic images, political symbols or statements.)
- Training/Instructions on proper use, care, and handling – ready to send.
- Notices at entry points of office locations informing entrants of policy requiring face coverings and temperature checks when thermometers are available.
- Deep cleaning completed overnight (once per day) to include offices, warehouse office/desk locations. Warehouse equipment such as forklifts/picking equipment should be cleaned between each usage.
- Additional disinfection of common areas, doors at beginning of workday and midday.
- Encourage employees to clean their workspace daily.
- Place trashcans at every bathroom door for used paper towels.
Phase 2
Return To Work
- Goal is to continue to limit the number of people in the office at any given time to less than 50%; this is to allow space for keeping 6 ft distance and to limit the potential for exposure and spread of Covid-19
- Utilize employee resource list to determine order of return. AID to determine who will return to office.
- Identify employees whose jobs are most effectively done in a physical location to provide the framework for who returns to the office first.
- Limit all face-to-face meetings – evaluate if it’s feasible to communicate what is needed via email or text instead of in a group setting.
- Have employees stagger lunch breaks to limit employees eating in the same location at the same time.
- Limit access from outside visitors, vendors, and contractors. If a face to face meeting is needed, use the conference room in front or the warehouse breakroom and personal offices. By not bringing these people into the main office areas we will limit the exposure to other employees.
- Break rooms – employees may utilize break rooms observing 6-foot distancing, they may not congregate or stay in the break room for any length of time
Temperature/Wellness Check
- Implement Temperature Check Procedure.
- Have employees self-administer temperature checks before coming into office or going to other locations.
- Send thermometers to all locations.
- Need to send advance notice communication to employees informing them of temperature check policy.
Face Coverings
- Continue policy for face coverings
- Deep cleaning completed overnight (once per day) to include offices, warehouse office/desk locations. Warehouse equipment such as forklifts/picking equipment should be cleaned between each usage.
- Place trashcans at every bathroom door for used paper towels
- Additional disinfection of common areas, doors at the beginning of workday and midday
- Encourage employees to clean their areas during the day.
Phase 3 (Approximately September 1)
Back to normal operations
Temperature/Wellness Check
- Discontinue Temperature Checks.
Face Coverings
- Discontinue the required use of face coverings.
- Allow voluntary usage.
- Deep cleaning completed overnight (once per day) to include offices, warehouse office/desk locations. Warehouse equipment such as forklifts/picking equipment should be cleaned between usage.
- Additional disinfection of common areas, doors at beginning of workday and midday.
Business Travel – normal travel guidelines
You will be required to wear a mask while in the office or on company business when you interact with a customer. By reviewing the instructions and signing below, you certify that you have accepted and reviewed the instructions below and are properly trained on how to use your mask.
Here are the directions for putting a mask on and taking it off safely.
How to Put the Mask On:
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Dry your hands with a clean paper towel and throw the paper towel away.
- Check the mask for any defects such as a tear or missing tie or ear loop. Throw away any that are defective.
- Make sure the proper side of the mask is facing out, away from your face.
- Place the mask on your face with the stiff, bendable edge at the top by your nose. (if your mask has this feature)
- If the mask has ear loops, put one loop around each ear.
- If the mask has ties, pick up the mask by the ties and tie the upper ties behind your head with a bow.
- Once the mask is in place, use your index finger and thumb to pinch the bendable top edge of the mask around the bridge of your nose.
- If the mask has a lower tie, then once the mask is fitted to the bridge of your nose, tie the lower ties behind your head with a bow.
- Make sure the mask is completely secure. Make sure it covers your nose and mouth so that the bottom edge is under your chin.
- Wash your hands.
Removing the Mask:
- Wash your hands before removing the mask.
- Do not touch the front of the mask (the part over nose and mouth). It may be contaminated from breathing, coughing or sneezing.
- Untie or remove the ear loops and remove the mask by the straps.
- Throw the disposable mask in the trash.
- Wash your hands.
Improper Mask Usage:
- Not wearing a mask when in contact with other employees or customers.
- Mask hanging from one earlobe.
- Mask not covering nose, mouth and chin.
- Mask not pulled underneath the chin.
- Mask comes in contact with clothes or other parts of skin.
- Mask not disposed of properly.
- Reusable mask not washed after every usage.
Please Note: If you are using a reusable cloth mask, at the end of the day, take the mask off from the straps (not touching the front), place in a pillowcase to keep the ties with the mask. Wash it in the washing machine with hot water and completely dry on medium or high heat.
Temperature Checks:
To be implemented in Phase II of the Return to Work plan and continued until further notice. Temperature checks will be required daily upon entering each facility for all employees, as well as for visitors and/or vendors. Checks will be performed by a designated representative at each location. Only infrared (non-contact) thermometers approved by the HR department will be allowed to be used. Employees will enter through the appropriate entry points. This may be an employee entrance.
- Each designated representative must use the pre-distributed temperature check form and record the employee’s name, date, and time of temperature check. Exact readings will not be recorded and/or stored in any records, only that the check was performed along with a time and date stamp. Forms should be returned to HR daily.
- Sticker dots will be issued upon completion of temperature checks and must be worn visibly on clothing or badge throughout the day. Any employees without a sticker dot will be asked to report for a temperature check immediately.
- Any employees with a temperature above 99.6 degrees Fahrenheit will not be allowed to remain at the facility and may not return until they have been fever-free for 72 hours. HR and Safety will be notified of any employees with temperatures above 99.6 degrees.
- Anyone who registers between 98.9-99.5 will be asked to work apart from others, wear a mask and gloves, and return for a recheck after 2 hours.
- Following any temperatures above 99.6, further checks will be postponed while the area and equipment are sanitized appropriately.
- Employees shall voluntarily consent to a temperature check to gain entrance into the facility. Failure to consent to a check will result in a denial of access to the facility and employee must leave the premises immediately.
- Employees found circumventing the process or sneaking into the building unchecked will be properly disciplined, up to and including the potential termination of their employment
Facial Masks:
Facial masks or coverings will be required for all employees, visitors, and vendors to enter a facility in which local and/or state guidelines mandate, as well as for all independent contractors.
If you have a mask, bandana or some other form of cloth covering that fits applicable mandates, please bring it and use it at work. You can check with your Manager to determine if your location has masks available or if you will need to provide your own. You MUST have some sort of facial covering in order to report to work or enter a Company facility if your area is subject to a required mandate.
If your mask is reusable, you will be responsible for its care and maintenance. If you have been issued a reusable mask by the Company, you will be responsible to maintaining this mask. Company issued reusable masks will be limited to one per person where available. If you have chosen to provide your own mask, it will be required to befit similar requirements to dress code restrictions. Masks, bandanas or other attire that has printed material and/or sayings that would be found offensive in nature, (i.e. No skulls, foul language, graphic images, political symbols or political statements as just a few examples) will not be allowed. We trust that all of our employees will uphold a professional image.
We understand there may be some hesitancy to wear a mask and they are not the most comfortable thing to wear. However, we must uphold the requirements of any mandates and will expect that if you are working with our customers or employees, you will be operating in full compliance. Additionally, please remember that wearing a face covering is not a substitute for maintaining 6-feet social distancing and hand washing, as these remain important steps to adhere to.
These requirements are subject to change based on federal, state, and local guidelines. We all take the pandemic and the actions it has caused us to take to protect the employee and public communities very serious and we ask that all employees do so as well. Any questions, comments or concerns must be directed to the Human Resources or Safety Department.
In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, and for similar situations that should arise in the future that necessitate the implementation of a rapid response plan, this quick reference guide may serve as an initial checklist for the AID in conjunction with similarly situated materials to assist the organization.
If an employee either tests positive or shows substantially similar signs of COVID-19:
- If on Company premises, they will immediately gather their essential belongings and be escorted into a closed-door environment.
- The Owner/AID must equip themselves and the individual with appropriate personal protective equipment.
- The Owner/AID will ensure the environment is restricted from outside contact unless sufficient PPE is provided for those individuals with necessity to access.
- The individual will be advised to seek appropriate medical care and to quarantine for at least 14 days. If they appear fit to safely drive themselves from the premises, they should be released. If they do not appear fit to safely drive themselves from the premises, emergency medical authorities shall be called to assist.
- If the individual is not in the work environment but instead at home with symptoms, the individual will be advised to stay home and quarantine for at least 14 days while seeking appropriate medical care.
- The Owner/AID should determine which other employees, customers, or individuals were within 6 feet and with persistent contact with the individual in the recent past and make proper notifications to these individuals, if necessary, advising them to also seek appropriate medical direction and potentially quarantine as well. If businesses or companies were also directly impacted, they should be notified as well, in the Owner/AID’s discretion.
- The Owner/AID should also consider others that may have been impacted by the individual and, if appropriate, take appropriate steps in the situation.
- The individuals work area and all common areas should be thoroughly disinfected.
- The Owner/AID will determine if any reporting requirements are necessary for compliance purposes at the federal, state, or local level.
- If the Landlord has reporting requirements, the Owner/AID will ensure compliance with this requirement.
- The Owner/AID may require the individual to certify either a “negative” test result or doctor’s note prior to allowing the individual back onto the premises or releasing them to work.
This is not an all-inclusive list but should serve as a primary reference in addition to similarly related materials and common-sense efforts needed to address an organizational rapid response.
Any and all questions should be directed to Tom Zoufaly for further attention.
Independent contractors and delivery teams are expected to follow preventative guidelines as issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO) and client requirements for servicing customers. Below are guidelines that specifically apply to executing a delivery, however, they are not intended to serve as the only methods permitted to prevent exposure or prevent spread of the COVID-19 virus. Other preventative steps are permitted at the contractor’s or delivery team members discretion.
• Contractors and delivery teams will sanitize frequently. Increased hand washing, use of sanitizers (gels, wipes sprays) between stops and customer interactions.
• Protective equipment (face mask, gloves, shoe covers) may be used if available.
• Contractors and delivery teams are encouraged to communicate with a client prior to arrival and are permitted to ask the client about general conditions present at the delivery location and request permission to proceed with delivery.
• If a client reports conditions where symptoms of illness are present, they are under quarantine or have any reason to believe they may have had contact with COVID-19, the contractor or delivery team shall not proceed with delivery.
• If a client requests a reschedule out of concern for COVID-19, they may do so.
• Contractors and delivery teams are encouraged to sanitize the delivery work area (door handles, faucets or other common surfaces) as needed. Clients are encouraged to do the same prior to and following a delivery.
• Contractors and delivery teams are encouraged to avoid unnecessary stops and contact with public spaces and should sanitize appropriately following any contact with a public area while performing normal duties; fueling for example.
• Contractors and delivery teams are expected to follow “social distancing” guidelines during delivery and are permitted to ask customer to who wishes to observe delivery to do so from an adjoining room, space or inspect delivery following completion.
Reporting Symptoms
• Contractors shall immediately report if they themselves or any member of a delivery team has displayed, reported symptoms or has any reason to believe they have been exposed to COVID-19 to their immediate AID representative.
• Reports must be made by phone, email or text and the contractor or delivery team must immediately suspend work or contact with others until they receive a response from an AID representative.
• Following a report AID will direct the contractor or delivery team member to follow proper CDC protocols. Including but not limited to; leaving the premises, quarantine, testing and may not return to duty until directed.
• The contractor or member of the delivery team will immediately provide information as to everyone they have been in contact with, so an AID representative may make the appropriate notifications.
Positive Test
• A positive test or any positive test a contractor or delivery team member has become aware, must be reported to an AID representative immediately.
• No contractor or delivery team member will return to duty until medically cleared by a treating physician following CDC guidance.